Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Autumn Anna-Lea Kaemingk

      On Friday, October 28, 2011, I woke up at 3:45am with contractions that were constantly coming every 5 minutes apart. I woke up Ben around 5am, and we went on a half our walk to get the ball rolling, we then watched The Sing Off, cleaned the apartment, ate some breakfast, I straightened my hair and painted my toe nails. The pain was never bad, but the contractions started coming every 3 to 4 min, so we went into the hospital around 9. Needless to say, we were admitted, and at 6:20pm on Friday, October 28, 2011, Autumn Kaemingk came into this world weighing a perfect 7lbs 14oz, and measuring at 21.25 inches. 
        At four days old, she could not be an easier baby (must be Ben's mellow personality) she is sleeping great and allowing us to sleep too. Ben has the next week off work, so we are enjoying our downtime as a family of three and loving her more then we thought was possible. We didn't know there was anything  missing in our lives until she became apart of it. 

You might notice her right eye is red because she got in a fight with my tail bone (back labor), but her battle wound should be gone in a week or so  :) 

...Tummy Time...



  1. Oooh! Arm rolls! What a sweet little girl. My camera is *almost* as excited as I am to meet her! Becca and Ben, you are blessed beyond words.

  2. She is as beautiful as I thought she would be. They really tug at your heart strings. This is the beginning of a life time of love, joy, worry and pain. Mostly the first two. Enjoy every minute with Autumn because time just flies by, and the next thing you know, she will be grown up, married and have her own child.

    Love, Aunt Linda

  3. Autumn is a gift from God. Created by Him and He has a full plan for her life. Prayers daily for her and her wonderful parents. She is very loved by so many.She is already soooo blessed and she does not even know it.:)

    Nana (Grandma Susan Haynes)
